Friday, November 16, 2012

Strike Witches Movie

Still thinking of finding ideas for the blog........ oh, found it!

By the way, ever watched Strike Witches? Well, it's an anime, about a group of mahou shoujo fighting aliens in the sky with no pants but panties and magic. Most otaku people would know this anime by this trademark - striped pants (not to be confused with K-ON! Mio's)

Recently, I got a chance to relive my semester holiday by watching its movie. For starters, the story tells two months after the last event in the Second Season.

Warning : If you haven't watch this yet, this counts as a spoiler. I'd concur that you watch it first before get back here.

Yoshika Miyafuji, the main character of the story, has lost her power during the liberation of Venezia (Watch Second Season, or this may be another spoiler for you!). For some time, she spent her times catching up studies and such back in Fuso. Then, her life intervenes once more with these Witches as she met along Mio Sakamoto's student, Shizuka Hattori.

Keep notes that meanwhile in Europe, in different lands, other veterans of 501st Strike Witches had their lives haven't intervene with Yoshika yet.

Shizuka came to her, bearing a news that Yoshika is going to study abroad at one of the prestigious medical schools on European land. Delighted, she decided to take up her offer and took on another sea voyage to Europe.

Shizuka Hattori, for one, considers Yoshika as one of the respectable figure. However, her expectation of her to Yoshika wears off a bit as she finds her to be easygoing, carefree, and rendered ignorant to army's order. She finds her annoying to help the ship crews cooking and such. But somehow, despite her nature of against army rank order, she saved a crew from being killed in an incident inside that ship, despite Captain's order.

Soon after, the ship arrives at Gallia. Lynette and Perrine, the members of the 501st, have anticipate them for long. Yoshika stayed a night in Perrine's castle, and moved on to their destination the next day.

Their journey was delayed for one day as they met along a villager in distress, telling them about landslides that have cost them some injuries on their folks. They continued their journey the next day, only to get themselves being suddenly attacked by the incoming Neurois from the ground. 

That's when the climax went. Every souls from 501st met up there, and all of a sudden, Yoshika regains her power once more!

I missed lots of important parts to get to this point, but that doesn't matter. Watching it matters. Later I'll post some screenshots about it.

The story ends with that Neuroi flagship breaks apart thanks to 501st Strike Witches Joint Fighters legendary JFW. Even Mio joined the party, despite her loss of power. More Neuroi threats are incoming, so what I know about it next is that :

This gonna be a legendary. The third season is coming up! I don't know when, but I'll wait for it. Matteru!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Before 8th December, PSPM is Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi
After 8th December, PSPM is Personal Selection People Marshall
That day was quite intense
Could not forget how I chase someone
LIke Saber Lion chasing over Lamcer in Carnival Phantasm

If not because of Tensai I wouldn't have so much fun shooting someone

He introduced me into this game
He introduced me a chance of a lifetime
He introduced me a chance of redemption
He introduced me a chance of revenge
If you know what I mean
Then Ian came and clarified HvZ as a pathway

The game began with a sudden message
Saying me trust no one
Scatter away from people
Only to get whacked out
Like Little Red Riding Hood being inversely caught by the Wolf
Too bad, I'm in league with that MONSTER

The second round
I saw myself tagging team with people
I look like Ryu in Street Fighter
That bandana really look nice on me
Sadly, it's silk-made
What a waste from KK

They really locked on us with their fearsome guns
A bullet on THAT TARGET will bring one hell of a pain
We just wanted to drink, you know
Said one of them
I wanted to be Balanar
Sadly, it was I who got stalked

Then the real fight starts

We zombies chased the Humans across the world
With all eyes locked on us
Ian hid at the stairs like Natasha Volkova
Waiting us to go, but we don't
Eventually, he's the one who came out
We scourging them even at the food place
Not to mention the towkay kicked us out
"Your damn bullets stain my Gulai Ayam!" the towkay said
But those stuffs were unforgettable

The humans want to find something
But somehow, we zombies delayed them
Times running out
Triumph came to us the Infected

As the survivors arrived at the playground, we zombies want to say only time
I saw Sly's face look like that FISH
We wiped them out, one by one
Like vultures over a herd of rabbits.
Gyaaa, a bunny, if you know what I mean
We won again

As we talked and merry around, they won suddenly

And finally, I got a chance of redemption
Being a human once more
That gun reminds me of my true purpose, but never mind
I wanted to shoot him in the ass
But never mind - That would be later

We all line up there, like waiting for death sentence
Then, zombies come with Tanks
I fell martyr
But damn, the humans won!

Well, that was intense
But next time, I'll be more badass then ever
Watch out, Pizza Boy. if you know what I mean!

Dedicated for some friends of mine who encouraged me to join this game hehe.