Friday, June 7, 2013

Life in Matrices Part 3

I feel like entering Galge World
Girls are everywhere
Proudly, my new group is first in first
Family of six men and many non-men
An angel told me about it

'Boleh faham' replaces Bidadari
'Can we move next' replaces Miss
Math Tutorial becomes nightmare
Everyday, I see papers at his doorway 

I encountered a clownfish
The clownfish requested me something
Soon, Atlantis gives her an offer
I wanted to fish her, a memory for her
But my fishing breaks, it costs me friendship

Logical replaces kinematics
Meanwhile, le Foochow appears
Tundra outside, Boiling inside
There are two Chinese
One is a girl, another is boy
Yeah, what else do you think?

Anime lovers, I think you know who she is, do you?

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