Saturday, December 29, 2012

Amagami SS

Even watched this anime before? If you haven't, then it's time to play your hands on the mouse. Click and watch them out!

Amagami SS is actually a galge where the main character Junichi Tachibana is on pursue for a girl through dating sims. It's a very fun thing, though I never played one before.

But it's made into an anime. In anime, Junichi is still heartbroken over an event last Christmas ago thanks for being rejected by a girl. In this latest Christmas ( in the anime, not NOW, literally), he encounters one of the six girls - Rihoko Sakurai (from the most left), Tsukasa Ayatsuji, Sae Nakata, Kaoru Tanamachi, Haruka Morishima and Ai Nanasaki in which the selected one finally gave him a new hope of finding love of this girl.

The story is divided into six different arcs. In every arc, there will be one specific heroine. Here's the short details of the main Arcs in Amagami SS :

1. Haruka Morishima's Arc
Junichi is introduced to a half-English, half-Japanese third high schooler not long before Christmas. He at first admired her, and attempted to flirt her. Haruka, for one, is an outgoing, and extremely cheerful and the ending of this arc is totally romantic.

2. Kaoru Tanamachi's Arc
Junichi's close friend, Kaoru, is a bit enigmatic to him. They both are friends since they're little. And when arc progresses, both of them realized that their relationship is something more than just friends....

3. Sae Nakata's Arc
This story is a bit different than the other arc. There's narrator explaining what's going in the story. Sae is a busty freshman student who'd just transferred to Junichi's school. She is coincidently a friend of his sister's, Miya. Junichi later starts helping her a lot on her life. The gears of fate between them turn when Junichi stated "It makes me wish I had another sister like you" to Sae.

4. Ai Nanasaki's Arc
Probably the coolest heroine amongst these six, Ai is a stoic, and cool one. In this arc, Junichi was entranced by the calm and cool disposition of hers. She is depicted as someone 'hydrophilic', if you catch my meaning. Even the epilogue is a bit... well, quite hard to say.

5. Rihoko Sakurai's Arc
She is the only one that even the story began, had a crush on Junichi. In this arc, it's Rihoko who's trying to get him, instead of Junichi. Rihoko obssessed of food and a clumsy one. The story tells about how she is going to find new members to save her tea club.

6. Tsukasa Ayatsuji's Arc
Throughout the other arcs, we can see this girl to be calm, cool, great and all positive things we can think of her. Now, this time, let's see the dark side of the moon.

More to watch and (maybe) wipe some tears when you watch these. Moeful, beautiful, greatful, whatever the 'ful' is, you'll never regret it. Plus, the Seiyu for every of these heroines are rockin' cool. Well, that's all. See you

Oh, before that, gonna give you some 'eye-washing' screenshots from Amagami SS

Friday, November 16, 2012

Strike Witches Movie

Still thinking of finding ideas for the blog........ oh, found it!

By the way, ever watched Strike Witches? Well, it's an anime, about a group of mahou shoujo fighting aliens in the sky with no pants but panties and magic. Most otaku people would know this anime by this trademark - striped pants (not to be confused with K-ON! Mio's)

Recently, I got a chance to relive my semester holiday by watching its movie. For starters, the story tells two months after the last event in the Second Season.

Warning : If you haven't watch this yet, this counts as a spoiler. I'd concur that you watch it first before get back here.

Yoshika Miyafuji, the main character of the story, has lost her power during the liberation of Venezia (Watch Second Season, or this may be another spoiler for you!). For some time, she spent her times catching up studies and such back in Fuso. Then, her life intervenes once more with these Witches as she met along Mio Sakamoto's student, Shizuka Hattori.

Keep notes that meanwhile in Europe, in different lands, other veterans of 501st Strike Witches had their lives haven't intervene with Yoshika yet.

Shizuka came to her, bearing a news that Yoshika is going to study abroad at one of the prestigious medical schools on European land. Delighted, she decided to take up her offer and took on another sea voyage to Europe.

Shizuka Hattori, for one, considers Yoshika as one of the respectable figure. However, her expectation of her to Yoshika wears off a bit as she finds her to be easygoing, carefree, and rendered ignorant to army's order. She finds her annoying to help the ship crews cooking and such. But somehow, despite her nature of against army rank order, she saved a crew from being killed in an incident inside that ship, despite Captain's order.

Soon after, the ship arrives at Gallia. Lynette and Perrine, the members of the 501st, have anticipate them for long. Yoshika stayed a night in Perrine's castle, and moved on to their destination the next day.

Their journey was delayed for one day as they met along a villager in distress, telling them about landslides that have cost them some injuries on their folks. They continued their journey the next day, only to get themselves being suddenly attacked by the incoming Neurois from the ground. 

That's when the climax went. Every souls from 501st met up there, and all of a sudden, Yoshika regains her power once more!

I missed lots of important parts to get to this point, but that doesn't matter. Watching it matters. Later I'll post some screenshots about it.

The story ends with that Neuroi flagship breaks apart thanks to 501st Strike Witches Joint Fighters legendary JFW. Even Mio joined the party, despite her loss of power. More Neuroi threats are incoming, so what I know about it next is that :

This gonna be a legendary. The third season is coming up! I don't know when, but I'll wait for it. Matteru!!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Before 8th December, PSPM is Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi
After 8th December, PSPM is Personal Selection People Marshall
That day was quite intense
Could not forget how I chase someone
LIke Saber Lion chasing over Lamcer in Carnival Phantasm

If not because of Tensai I wouldn't have so much fun shooting someone

He introduced me into this game
He introduced me a chance of a lifetime
He introduced me a chance of redemption
He introduced me a chance of revenge
If you know what I mean
Then Ian came and clarified HvZ as a pathway

The game began with a sudden message
Saying me trust no one
Scatter away from people
Only to get whacked out
Like Little Red Riding Hood being inversely caught by the Wolf
Too bad, I'm in league with that MONSTER

The second round
I saw myself tagging team with people
I look like Ryu in Street Fighter
That bandana really look nice on me
Sadly, it's silk-made
What a waste from KK

They really locked on us with their fearsome guns
A bullet on THAT TARGET will bring one hell of a pain
We just wanted to drink, you know
Said one of them
I wanted to be Balanar
Sadly, it was I who got stalked

Then the real fight starts

We zombies chased the Humans across the world
With all eyes locked on us
Ian hid at the stairs like Natasha Volkova
Waiting us to go, but we don't
Eventually, he's the one who came out
We scourging them even at the food place
Not to mention the towkay kicked us out
"Your damn bullets stain my Gulai Ayam!" the towkay said
But those stuffs were unforgettable

The humans want to find something
But somehow, we zombies delayed them
Times running out
Triumph came to us the Infected

As the survivors arrived at the playground, we zombies want to say only time
I saw Sly's face look like that FISH
We wiped them out, one by one
Like vultures over a herd of rabbits.
Gyaaa, a bunny, if you know what I mean
We won again

As we talked and merry around, they won suddenly

And finally, I got a chance of redemption
Being a human once more
That gun reminds me of my true purpose, but never mind
I wanted to shoot him in the ass
But never mind - That would be later

We all line up there, like waiting for death sentence
Then, zombies come with Tanks
I fell martyr
But damn, the humans won!

Well, that was intense
But next time, I'll be more badass then ever
Watch out, Pizza Boy. if you know what I mean!

Dedicated for some friends of mine who encouraged me to join this game hehe.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nendoroid - Nanoha and Fate

Sometimes, I feel regretful to do this... Sorry, Nanoha-chan....

These are not mine, these are from Goodsmile. Get there and see the magic, if you know what I mean.

That is all, Ja nee!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Another time again!

I wouldn't be too thrilled when I say this,

But right now, I'm gonna enjoy these three days with anime and games

We'll see.

Oh, by the way, a new post will be coming up after all these long times. Sorry for keep waiting for so long, dear readers. Well, it has been a while right? My excuses are only one - I'm inside a college which is now far away from my homeland. Apparently, this place lacks of wireless, so for this reason I would not have opportunity for being online even for a second.

Well, speaking about my new school, let's talk about it.

Labuan Matriculation College, or KML in abbreviation by the locals, is located in the heart of Labuan, Malaysia. It is a college that provides a very fast shortcut for the chosen ones (like me) to the higher studies. It would take only less than one year to finish it up.

Down here in KML, I take four subjects - Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Those subjects have lots of chapters to be absorbed into the brain, and to make it simple, those chapters and syllabus will be halved into two semesters. After the first semester, those syllabus at the first semester can be forgotten and we can now move on to the next semester syllabus. Sounds easier already, right?

But taking this course would take its toll if you are a type of last-minuter. Despite the fact that you're not going to re-learn the first semester syllabus after the first semester done, you would require a lot of perseverance. Even the ex-student from a Perfect Boarding School can fall down here.

I hope I'm going to get even with the studies, and while during this war, my love for anime as well as manga and games will not be in total negligence. That's all for now. Ja nee...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yay! My laptop has returned!

After a few days of waiting period, finally, my laptop is back.

I'm gonna make use of it carefully by now.


(wait, what a short post i have here!!!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Things get worst

Well, there is another new bad news. Apparently, my laptop is faulted thanks for too much download and hard disk default.

The one who repairs it (currently) said that my laptop will be done at least one week from now.

Sorry for a short post, but once I'm done with this nasty incident, I will return with new posts.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

SPM is over!

Lombardi once quoted, "Winning is not a thing. It's an all thing."

And that's what I felt now. That moment when I got announced and proclaimed by the school about my SPM result.

It's cool, It's awesome.... AWWWW YEAH!

It's 7A, 3B. I am at top of the world right now. How cool is that?

BY the way, with the SPM result already been obtained, I am going to get into the next level.

Up to recently, I've been searching on what I will go to next. Mainly, there are five options I can make, but only one can be chosen.... for real. They are STPM, Matriculation, Diploma, A Level, Foundation and finally.... Straight to University, Which one would be the best choice? 

After a long justification, I've found out that :
1. Matriculation 
One year study that is for science stream student like me. Though it is just one year, rumors said that the schedules were tight and hard. People who failed there could be expelled out of that school. Some of these flunked-outs were in fact students that got 10As better than mine in SPM. (WTH?!) The most chosen Matriculation here in Malaysia is KPM Matriculation. Actually, the program also offer two year study, but it's for someone who wanted to be pro on computer system. For more info, visit this website regarding Matriculation.

2. Diploma
This is another league - With chance to enrol into university with one year study almost instantly. Students who sign up for this study only specific subjects, and that will be easier because they wouldn't have to concentrate on other subjects. However, it is time-consuming : three years... longer than Matriculation and the rest of the options I mentioned just now. Right now, there are varieties or Diploma Programs offered by both private and even government entities. Once the student finishes the Diploma, he or she will enter the university at second year, far ahead than students who just finished the Matriculation, STPM and the others.

I guess this will be some of the reactions that Diploma students will launched out on us when we (not Diploma) met them in University.

3. A-Level
STPM in private form. However, it did not offer STPM for students. 90% of Non-Malay citizens here in Malaysia went through this course (according to recent statistics). The time taken for the course can range from one year, two years, and even six months,,, shorter than Diploma. Some of the A-level schools are like Sinar Bakti and etc. I am not quite interested on this option and now I'm going to touch about STPM.

Its other name Malaysian Highest Examination Certificate. The hardest, yet if the students could achieve it, they could secure themselves anywhere. STPM is hardest, as it takes one year and a half, and then during that time, they must come back to their same alma mater again, and had to cram themselves with a lot of chapters. Once ago, I saw my older brother carrying huge books, and it seems that he excelled through it depsite too many books.... and too thick of them.

5. Foundation
Same like Diploma, only study certain subjects, and only take one year. However, it takes place in certain place.... and only for students who aced on SPM. 

6. Straight to University
Okay, this one could be the coolest. Straight to University. If you are the ace of SPM, the try to apply on UPU. There are many courses you can take from there.... but you must be careful, as the courses you took will determine your life after university. Good news about this option was that you don't need to go to any other options anymore.... you're done already, right? You're in uni already, right? Then, why should you enter STPM again? So waste-lah!

Okay, that's all I can say. All these are based on what I read and justified after two days of researches yesterday. See you in another post.

Ironically, we, the ex-students of SPM 2011, are like these - running like in high looking for the next stage.
No offense!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Maybe you guys have heard about this ever-popular story, in you're a Malaysian.

This story, well, was quite a bomb here. It's one of the Malaysian animation that comes popular, until it even make itself into world records and Hollywood itself. How could is that?

This story, Boboiboy, circulates of a fight between good and evil on earth (just like in most shounen animes like Fairy Tails protecting something from the evil, stuffs like that). The main character, Boboiboy, was paying a visit at his grandpa's house in Pulau Rintis (an island in Malaysia), when all of a sudden an alien named Adudu (A weird name) came to earth. The alien aims to collect cocoa powder which it believes to be powerful enough to produce the highest energy for his planet. However, the cocoa is not available in his planet as the power had been extinct there since 30,000 years ago (Not in Earth)

Adudu discovered that the cocoa from Boboiboy's grandpa was the highest and better, and starts making a search for it. Boboiboy, along with three friends, made themselves defenders preventing the cocoa from falling to the hand of Adudu.

At the course of the series, Boboiboy saves a robot that operates through cocoa powder. The robot, Ochobot, gave him a power to manipulate lightning, earth and wind.
Boboiboy in ultimate form - The wind elemental (left), earth (Middle), and lightning (Right)
After Boboiboy, his three friends - Chinese Ying, Indian Gopal and Malay Yaya got powers too from Ochobot. With those newly-discovered powers, they protect the earth from Adudu and his minions..... as well as for the cocoa too.

My impression of the story - This is some of the Malaysian parts that rarely comes up for popularity. I mean, how cool is it? It's a good story, with good arc, and nice conversation arc between the characters. The Malay audio is good, so far, but I haven't hear out the English audio yet. More of these are available at Youtube or you can download it online.

The second season is confirmed to be aired. However, and sadly for me, that story is gonna start up at May 2012..... the month when I go to Matriculation. Gyaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading (The blogger stops here because he's groaning more like a zombie now. hehe, just kidding).

TERBAIK!!!!! (or Yeah, AWESOME!)

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Sad Moment

There was a lot of things happened before this. It seems that I've been not around here despite my promise last time. For that, I'm sorry.

There will be a lot of changes taking place in this blog, which also includes fanfic stories that I usually made, and also the school life poem, as they both really irk me a lot since the beginning of time.

However, I promise you this - With less burden left, now I can think for something even more better than THOSE. All bygones are already bygones, and next thing I knew I'm gonna do something new and even more interesting.

Looking forward for the next post six hours from now....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hisha Shiburi (Am I saying it right?)

Haaa! I'm glad to return again, as a blogger!

It has been a while since I've last posted online. Too many things happened, and I don't have much time to attend on this blog. Well, even me myself have serious life situations to face with. 

"Not this time, Gargamel." said Papa Smurf to Gargamel before launching off into the waterfall.

Yes, indeed. Not this time!!!!! With most things being already being done for, I finally can settle on daily posts, like I used to be. By the way, Thank You very much for keep sending up good signals of number of audiences inside my panel blog. Mucho Mucho Gracias!

I'll be posting once a day, and some of the posts will include some of my arts (words, sadly T_T), including the school life of mine. For Maktab Sabah viewers (especially the 2011 leavers), don't miss out for the third installment of the part, 3 Makmur 2009!

Same goers to HTT storytime too. 

We haven't seen what happened to the narrator (not sure who the hell is the narrator) after bombarding the armies of Imperial using her Starlight Breaker. More of the parts for tomorrow!

I think that's all for now. Okie Dokie, let's make this blog rocking alive. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

One of the Scariest SHIT I ever seen in my life

What I'm gonna post next will bring you nightmare tonight. If you don't want to shit bricks tonight, don't click THIS LINK

If you don't, you're doing a great job for yourself tonight. I swear to God, YOU DID IT RIGHT

But if you clicked on it, be prepared to wet your pants tonight......

The World God Only Knows Manga Update Chapter 175

It's from, as usual.

On the outskirts of the school, Akari stood before a fallen Vintage member, who she had just beaten. She commanded for what Vintage was planning. Meanwhile, in the small woods of the school, Keima was running, searching for Ayumi. But by the time he found her, Chihiro was already confronting Ayumi. Keima was not happy by this. Chihiro asked Ayumi for why she wanted to quit the band. Ayumi's only reason was because she couldn't forgive herself. She gave an apology, which was not pleasing to Keima. He knew that the apology would only make the development slip farther away. Explained by him, a sense of distance is important in a love triangle. If there was one weak link, the development would slow down. An equal standing is required to have a good love triangle.

To disrupt such an event, Keima approached the two, acting as if he had business with Chihiro. Before either could react properly, Keima snatched Chihiro, asking for her cooperation. Stepping a couple meters away from Ayumi, Keima whispered something into Chihiro's ear. After a moment of silence, Chihiro ignored his comment and punched him away, wishing to resume her conversation with Ayumi. Keima continued to intervene by saying he had something to say.

Without warning, Keima's hagoromo wrist tag shined, signaling that the goddesses are in danger. Keima wondered which of the goddesses were in danger. Three people appeared before the three, surrounding them. Keima was able to hypothesize that these cloaked figures, one which can be seen as a one-eyed, were part of Vintage. Suddenly, from the ground surrounding Ayumi, Chihiro and Keima, a net created from the black hagoromo encapsulated the three. The two girls struggled as Keima made a conclusion that the enemies were indeed Vintage. He now wondered how they found out.

The one-eye member took her hood off, reavealing that she actually is three-eyed. The member, named Gira, notices Lunethat she has accomplished capturing two people of target, plus "the one". Lune reports back that she too, along with the other members have accomplished their job, even though it seemed like Lune herself had trouble. She had faced Mars, the goddess within Yui Goidō, who is seen to be completely taken down by Lune's web. Lune complimented herself that her thoughts were accurate. She ordered the Vintage members to kill all the goddess.

On the school rooftop, Vulcan, goddess within Tsukiyo, had been pinned down. In the school library, a lamp was lit, while showing traces of the black net. This is assumed to be the location of whereMinerva, the goddess within Shiori, was captured. At Keima's house, the window has been cracked by the Vintage member who has yet to take away the hydrolized Apollo, the goddess within Kanon. At the school festival grounds, the bucket that Sumire was holding is dropped on the floor, meaning that she was taken away. Back to Keima, he was screaming out Ayumi and Chihiro's name. Because of the black net that continued to expanding and encapsulate him, Keima has given up hope. Outside the now black-cylinder, Gira commanded two other Vintage members to move the cylinder away. But before they could do that, someone flew in and slashed open the cylinder, freeing Keima and the two girls. The Vintage members are in surprised by this event. Gira asked for who was the one distrubing their plan. The one who did was the long-lostHaqua, now dressed in a new battle gear. Haqua has returned...!

Sadly, it's been a very tight schedule lately, with many works to do after SPM. I'll be back for more.
Let's talk about another new anime after this!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HTT Storytime!

So here it goes...

After making a run across the woods, I found a tent. I didn't think a lot before getting inside it, and that's one big thing I would never stop being regret of. When I walked in, I saw few guys sitting on chiars, murmuring about something regarding war. I heard them said this clearly, and they seemed to ignore me.

Finally, one of the butlers realized me and turn around. "Ah, a new visitor," said one of the four butlers. I called them butlers because they had attires like butlers. "What brings you here?" asked another butler. Another butler felt worried that he cracks out. "Shoot, someone broke in! This is bad!" the last butler stops his comrade from acting maliciously. "I'm sure this one's not hostile," said the last butler.

"By the way, I am Sebastian Michaelis. These are my comrades – Subaru Konoe, Hayate Ayasaki and Hino Akiharu," said the English-faced guy. I considered him as an Englishman because he speaks English and made a strange accent like I always heard in TV. Hayate gets up and greeted me. "Nice to meet you," said Hayate with a tone of a lady. Hino approaches him and make a smack of him. "What's that for?"

"You sounded like a lady. Please don't humiliate yourself," said Hino. His words pierces him like sharp knives, considering that Hayate himself had face like a cute loli girl. I couldn't agree more. Hayate then sat at the corner and I felt a black aura swindling around him. Subaru went forward to greet me. "Hi, I am Subaru!"

I felt soft and gentle hand. "What a nice boy are you!" said I. Subaru looked at me with a mean look. "I am a girl, you know. That's why my skins softer than these idiots."

"Who do you called idiot, huh?" yelled Hino. I laughed, even though it's not actually funny at all.
"Of course I'm talking about you. Who's the idiot other than you?" Hino felt provoked and sprang to her. A fight happens, but Sebastian was able to stop the tide of anger before it gets serious. "You shouldn't say that to someone who's amateur on this, Subaru-san," said Sebastian. Subaru realized her doing and nodded her head. "I understand that, Sebastian. I'm sorry for that, Hino," she went down and apologized. However, what Sebastian was more of hurting Hino more than what Subaru just did.
I saw Hino went to the other corner, looking very blue.

I had my dinner there with them when suddenly the tent door opened and a girl with shining armor walks in. "I got some bad news for you guys!" said the knight. Hino sipped the bowl of soup while saying to her "Do not worry – we've been killing lots of THEM. They'll never get to us that easy," said Hino confidently. I don't know what he talked about. But then the girl explored deeper into the explanation. "No. This time, they got themselves a new leader. Her name's Azu the Flat-chested Black Rock Shooter."

I dropped my cup almost immediately after hearing that. Did I just...?
Hino was getting nervous breakdown. He started squealing and rolling on the ground. "I can't stand against that b***h! Why does she had to be here?" Hino cried. Subaru and Hayate glanced at him as if he's a criminal waiting gallow. I didn't relate my intersection with them about that girl. "So, where is she?" asked Sebastian. "She'll be here by tomorrow. By then, we must have enough manpower against them. Who's with me?"

Sebastian, Hayate and Subaru had no trouble of signing in for her. But Hino seemed to have problem. "You see... I don't really want to-"

"You're a lady, Hino... I mean Hime-sama," commented Subaru. After that, Hino immediately signing in. "A man will never back down!" said Hino confidently with his right fist smacking his chest repeatedly. "Stop it; You're hurting yourself," said Sebastian.

I joined them too. The woman with armor said to me who I am and what am I doing here. I told her that I don't really know what to do around here. "I see," nodded Saber Pentdragon, the name of the knight. "I guess I'm gonna have you implanted with us," she handed me a lance. But I said to her no thanks. "I had one already," I showed her my Raising Heart Jewel. All of a sudden, all the butlers ans Saber herself were in an utter shock. "Are you a mahou-shoujo?" Hino breathe out loud like a madman. "Sounds like we have some privilages we can use here," said Subaru.

So all of us went through many valleys nearby. We recruited a lot of people in every place we visited. We even climbed hills only to find the last bastion of people so they can join us in the battle. While climbing on it, Hino accidentally gropes Subaru's chest. He was trying to find support to prevent himself from falling, so he raised is hand upwards. But instead of grabbing something, he grabbed something very soft... very squishy...

Subaru yelped in bewilderment and eventually, her legs were enough to make Hino bouncing down the hills. His screams echoed throughout the area, but no one really cares. "I know he's alive down there," said Sebastian when he sees me making a worrying face. "Just ignore that ass! We're moving!" said Subaru furiously before she ascends upper than us. We just follow her suit. Saber meanwhile was waiting at the ground with her eyes fixed at Hino.

So we made it to the top. We all were shocked to see a tower ahead. Sebastian turned to Hayate. "Rapunzel?" gasped Sebastian and Hayate altogether. "Stop it! You both really sounded like kindergartners!" answered Subaru. It was some kinds of comedy that I could not barely not to laugh, especially when I saw Hino bouncing downhills like a ball.

Sebastian made himself a try by shouting to the tower top. "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" he shouted in macho tone. Hayate did otherwise; he starts climbing the tower, knowing the fact that Sebastian's charm would beat him easily. In short, they were thinking that there is Rapunzel up there, and if one of them acts fast, that woman will be his.

Hayate climbed like Son Goku (Journey to the West) across the vertical wall. Sebastian wouldn't let him away easily, so he did the same thing too. He leaps like a monster and almost getting Hayate before Hayate gave him a good kick. Sebastian ended up plummeting back to the hill terrain. It was a very loud thud, but strangely he still gets up and cracks his head normally. "This guy's really motivated," 
comments Sebastian. "But I'm not gonna giving up," he starts climbing again. This time, he does the impossible – He runs vertically like a ninja and hurls a horde of forks to Hayate like a ninja throwing shurikens.

Subaru couldn't stand it. "Hey, are you guys forgetting the important thing we should do here?" she yelled angrily. But the two guys didn't hear her as they are already at ¾ of the tower height, almost getting to the balcony of the tower.

"Come on. Let's go," said Subaru. I just followed her went down, leaving Sebastian and Hayate minding their own business. Please note that there is no name for this main character.

But when we arrived at downhills. Surprise came to us. The people was firing with rifles in random direction. Subaru saw a bomb shell coming to us. She pushes me to far left of me before the bomb reach her and... I could not give details about what happened to Subaru Konoe, but it's quite saddening.
I saw the assailant – That Black Rock Shooter! "Hahahahaha! I heard you PAWNED Milo. Is that true?" BRS questioned me. "You see, that's the reason why the Queen ordered me to capture her. She'd just ate some of my comrades when you suddenly barged in and beat me with your..." she blushes all of a sudden. "Ma...Magic... Ah, forget it! And now, you're siding with the rebels. Scumbag's like you must die!" she pints out her huge, Black Rock Cannon to me.

I called my Raising Heart, and I turned back to Barrier Jacket form. This time, it's Aggressive Mode. BRS looked at me with more of wild things inside her mind. It seems that my moe has stuns her that she doesn't even stopping me from casting out Divine Buster.

Again, she's nowhere to be seen after that. So I joined Saber's forces against the Imperial Armies. The armies were known as Stormtroopers, and according to Saber, "They're here by Darth Vader, and something's telling me that they're here because they want to find all the rebels and cook them... I mean us."

As the Stormtroopers getting too many already, our forces have exhausted. "Retreat! We can't continue more! Where are all my butlers?" said Saber anxiously. She wonders why all of those four not around in this dangerous time. I could only pointing on Subaru's remain.

Thing gets even worse. The Stormtroopers all came in with their special, popular ATAT (All Terrain Armod Transport). I wanted to scream and run, but the Raising Heart stops me. Instead, it gives me an urge of wanting to avenge Subaru. "I'm gonna avenge Subaru!" I said to Saber before I started soraing up to the air and start charging my powers. I'm going to do something unexpected. Saber realized this and immediately ordered the others to back off.

The stormtroopers looked at me and fired me, but my Protection Magic deflects everything. Soon, there's a huge, a very huge pink-colored magic ball floating above my Raising Heart staff. It's expanding, and it's gonna burst in any seconds.

I pointed the bomb to the incoming reinforcement and releases it. "Starlaitooooooo... Bureakaaaaaaaa!~~~~~~" I leave you this part to imagine what happened next to the armies.

"I must've said this..." said Ritsu after that. "You should be the one who decides the story."

"Well, Azusa's the one who started this," chuckles Mugi. Azusa was traumatized even more. "I'm flat-chested..."

"Anyway, your story plot looked good... except that the story should be good and better if you continue it," said Mio while sipping her tea. "Oh, I'm not finished yet!"

Monday, January 23, 2012

The World God Only Knows Manga Update Chapter

A cellphone was ringing, saying that it was from Chihiro Kosaka. As Ayumi dozed off into her own world, she ignored this call. She knew that she had to answer but she did not. Looking back to the past where she was cheering Chihiro on, Ayumi stated to herself that she doesn not want to see Keima again. Then Mercury's past statement about Keima liking Ayumi floated to the surface of Ayumi's mind. She intended to argue with Mercury about this, but Mercury doesn't appear in any reflection. Ayumi was not happy about this, saying that Mercury is just like Keima, always saying disagreeable things only. All of this made Ayumi wish to "go back to yesterday".

As Ayumi walked around the school festival, tailing behind her was Lune. Using her hagoromo, Lune pinpointed who she was following. Through a communication device, Lune commanded the receptients to commence the hunt when all preparations are ready. 

Super-Human Mobility
At that moment, a store person asked Lune if she wants some takoyaki, to which she answers positively. Elsewhere, Keima was desperately searching for Ayumi. But this was difficult for him, for Ayumi has "super-human mobility", which made it hard to pinpoint her location. When he thought about waiting at the cafe, he saw Ayumi in the distance. He rushed over to meet up with her, but before that, he crashed into someone who was carrying two large pots.

After falling, the person apologized to Keima. When he looked up, the person happened to be Sumire. In apology for the small accident, Sumire handed Keima a discount coupon, as she is currently running a stall at the Mai High fest. She also exclaimed that her sweet ramen is top notch. Taking that Sumire doesn't remember her conquest, Keima is about to stand up. At that time, another person helped Sumire pick up the pots. 

The Fierce Slap
Sumire ran off, as it is revelaed htat the helper was Chihiro. Chihiro herself was about to leave, but Keima stopped her.
Bluntly, Keima asked for Chihiro to team up with him in order to conquer Ayumi. He went on about how Chihiro was an obstacle in his conquest. Since he was sure that this obstacle is impossible to move, he declares that he must have the obstacle's cooperation. Chihiro landed a fierce slap into Keima's face, asking why he can act like nothing had happened between them. Keima answered that he knows what had happened, but he states that he has to set aside this "petty issue" in order to avert a huge crisis. Chihiro this time nailed a kick to his face to show her completely defiance. Meanwhile, Lune was resting on the rooftop of the school. She thought about how the goddess could be disguised as escaped spirits. This was evidence that she knows about the relation between the goddess and the run away spirits.

Time has flown into the late evening. Somwhere in the school ground, Ayumi is taking a walk. Suddenly from bhind, Chihiro appeared with her guitar on her back. Chihiro asked about what they should do about the concert that will be held the next day,

Cloaked Figure...
 but Ayumi responded that she can't be in the band anymore. This left Chihiro puzzled. At that same moment, Keima was running and searching for Ayumi. Overhead him, strange shadows also appear.
Sumire is celebrating the success of her shop.She heard something land behind her, which made her look back. Before her was cloaked figure. Back ot Lune, a message came in telling her that the preparations were all done. Lune gives consent to start the hunt, as she explained to herself that if she hunted all the girls at once, she would soon get her desired result for one of them. But why all the ones Keima had captured....!?

Like I said earlier and always be, I feel my fingers cross off everything I want to make summary of this manga. For this reason, I would ended up copying stuffs from hehehehe

P/S : See you next post. I'll post another good thing today. For now, let's watch Nanoha finale. It's an old series, but I will endure it!