Saturday, December 29, 2012

Amagami SS

Even watched this anime before? If you haven't, then it's time to play your hands on the mouse. Click and watch them out!

Amagami SS is actually a galge where the main character Junichi Tachibana is on pursue for a girl through dating sims. It's a very fun thing, though I never played one before.

But it's made into an anime. In anime, Junichi is still heartbroken over an event last Christmas ago thanks for being rejected by a girl. In this latest Christmas ( in the anime, not NOW, literally), he encounters one of the six girls - Rihoko Sakurai (from the most left), Tsukasa Ayatsuji, Sae Nakata, Kaoru Tanamachi, Haruka Morishima and Ai Nanasaki in which the selected one finally gave him a new hope of finding love of this girl.

The story is divided into six different arcs. In every arc, there will be one specific heroine. Here's the short details of the main Arcs in Amagami SS :

1. Haruka Morishima's Arc
Junichi is introduced to a half-English, half-Japanese third high schooler not long before Christmas. He at first admired her, and attempted to flirt her. Haruka, for one, is an outgoing, and extremely cheerful and the ending of this arc is totally romantic.

2. Kaoru Tanamachi's Arc
Junichi's close friend, Kaoru, is a bit enigmatic to him. They both are friends since they're little. And when arc progresses, both of them realized that their relationship is something more than just friends....

3. Sae Nakata's Arc
This story is a bit different than the other arc. There's narrator explaining what's going in the story. Sae is a busty freshman student who'd just transferred to Junichi's school. She is coincidently a friend of his sister's, Miya. Junichi later starts helping her a lot on her life. The gears of fate between them turn when Junichi stated "It makes me wish I had another sister like you" to Sae.

4. Ai Nanasaki's Arc
Probably the coolest heroine amongst these six, Ai is a stoic, and cool one. In this arc, Junichi was entranced by the calm and cool disposition of hers. She is depicted as someone 'hydrophilic', if you catch my meaning. Even the epilogue is a bit... well, quite hard to say.

5. Rihoko Sakurai's Arc
She is the only one that even the story began, had a crush on Junichi. In this arc, it's Rihoko who's trying to get him, instead of Junichi. Rihoko obssessed of food and a clumsy one. The story tells about how she is going to find new members to save her tea club.

6. Tsukasa Ayatsuji's Arc
Throughout the other arcs, we can see this girl to be calm, cool, great and all positive things we can think of her. Now, this time, let's see the dark side of the moon.

More to watch and (maybe) wipe some tears when you watch these. Moeful, beautiful, greatful, whatever the 'ful' is, you'll never regret it. Plus, the Seiyu for every of these heroines are rockin' cool. Well, that's all. See you

Oh, before that, gonna give you some 'eye-washing' screenshots from Amagami SS