Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA PIPA What else?

I bet you guys have heard about Wikipedia blackout.

I bet you guys too heard about more than seventy blogs and websites making 'demo' by blacking out.

And, I bet you all know realize the sudden disappearance of Megaupload, as if it's Suzumiya Haruhi no Shioutsu in internet version, and also Megaupload version.

I don't know a lot about SOPA and PIPA, but what obvious is one.

I am not from US; I am from Malaysia.

As long as these stuffs don't affect my usual Anime, Manga and Mp3 Download routine, I shall say

But if these stuffs did inversely on my routines, I will say "I hope you'll get hell of a time".

Let me tell you all about what I know about these acts, considering I've been reading a lot about it since Wednesday.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) were legislated by the US since December 2011. The aim is to prevent piracy of stuffs via internet as well as copyright. However, I think, and I think you may know it, almost 9/10 of the world hated to know the fact that their lovely gone extinct because of this.

The Advantage of SOPA :
1. Copyright Protected
2. Less risk of loss because no more bootlegging.
3. Their royalties and survival of their ideas guaranteed.

The Disadvantage of SOPA :
1. 50:50 chance that we will see the word 'free download' no more.
2. Bad news for you guys who love anime - Megaupload, while includes Megavideo, disappeared. Free animes will be extinct, and we all will have to do nothing but to save up to buy DVD animes.
3. Your ideas will be rejected
4. If you post any links for download to the web regarding people's idea, you will be made shish kebab by the US. Probably, you'll be ended up banned, or given severe punishment.

As I look into it, I realize the fact that disadvantage is over advantage. And according to the news, this act will commence at February (Leave a comment if I'm wrong).

So guys, listen up. Today I will shut this blog down for while. I'm supporting against SOPA, and until Sunday Morning in Malaysia time, This blog will be like 30 Days of Night in my own version, sadly I don't how to do so, so please leave a comment on how to do so, okay?

See ya in Sunday.

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